Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Mexico!!

The last proper post I left you with was a long one and since then I haven't had sufficient internet to leave another entry. Well I figured I would pick up where I left off and tell you about New Mexico! Noel and I spent the night in Roswell and were excited to see what kind of adventures the city had to offer. Aside from the UFO shaped McDonalds playland and the Alien scene painted on the Arbys windows, it was pretty normal. However, we did run into a few peculiar things... Photobucket Photobucket We got out of town fast, because it felt like everywhere we turned, we were being watched by the aliens....hehe Next up was the hour long drive to Carlsbad Caverns. Photobucket I am SOOO glad we went ahead and saw this! They are amazing. Unfortunately the camera takes terrible pictures in the dark without a tripod, so I didn't get many good photos. I don't think it really mattered though because I don't think the lens could have told the story the way our own eyes did! It was BREATHTAKING!! Photobucket Then Noel and I decided to see what we would look like as rangers at a park... Photobucket Photobucket After we got in the car to head out I found my first REAL cactus! I had to take a picture with it! Photobucket The day held a few adventures while driving here are some of them! Noel posing with an awesome looking cactus... Photobucket My many desert sightings... Photobucket And these VERY cool statues from an old A&W Drive Up Food Joint... Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Hopefully I will have time to do another post tomorrow and get caught up with the rest of the trip! We have seen so much. We have visited Arizona, Nevada and are in California! 8 days left and then we are home!

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